• 2022,  Blog

    Mental Health Day

    It’s been nearly a year since I’ve sat at a kitchen table (and not the same place I sat a year ago) –not that it matters in a world of remote mobility. Still I mention it, as observation — to write a post to this blog. Today only a test. An update. The blog has no identity. Only limbo. I don’t mind limbo. A place of contemplation. A time out.

    Who do I want to be? What do I wish to create? What do I have to say? If anything.

    I don’t know if I like my template: the free version of ASHE, except for the Instagram feed. That works. I love the format of photos. A thumbnail. A window. Basic. Image. But I might love it if I learn how to use it properly. Explore the options. Experiment with possibility. Learn the basics. How to combine photos and words. Format. Format. Format. Marry them. Encourage dialog. Narration. A potential to thrive.

    I need a tutorial.

    It was probably 11 years ago that I first built a website from scratch. And committed to a blog a week. For a year. I did it. I loved it. The structure of time set aside for writing. The sit down and begin. Another kind of unknowing. The sharing of thoughts and photographs. And now I’m regressing though it is possible I’m unfolding into a greater unknown. A better place. Be patient the spirit whispers. Have faith.

    Everything Changes

    Co-dependency is a struggle. A life lived out of balance with spirit takes a toll. Eventually. There is a tendency toward self-destruction. The triggers more volatile. The spirit is making her presence known. Now is the time she whispers. Now is the time. Focus on the beauty. It is everywhere. Focus on the beauty. The pale pink tulips in the clay vase. The yellow wall. The fold of the green leaf. Focus on the beauty. The slant of light on the icy snow. The call of the day beckons. It is a new dawn. The pale pink tulips in a clay vase. The yellow wall. The cool air creeping around your feet. Breathe into the stillness.

    You must learn one thing

    the world was made to be free in.

    Give up all other worlds

    except the one to which you belong.

    –David Whyte (from Sweet Darkness)